Titselo Kareen Mabuza – Student Leads

IB 2, Eswatini
My name is Titselo Kareen Mabuza. I am Swazi and my current role in BraveGirl is logistics executive. I am more than excited for the camp not only because it is the third time I will be partaking in it but also because it is always a pleasure and great fulfilment to see the happy faces and big smiles on the girls attending the camp, from the fulfilling workshops we organise all the way to the very last event which leaves them holding onto the certificates they receive on their Brave Girl graduation. As a Swazi girl that has experienced gender inequality and to an extent marginalisation of the girl child, I feel as if it is in the worlds' greater good for me to ensure that the next girl child does not experience such or rather is well equipped with methods of helping themselves in the same manner that I have been privileged to do so. It is for that reason why I care and dwell so much on girl empowerment.